Home >> Business Solutions >> Network Assesment

Managed Services
Desktop Services
Network Services
Server & Systems Mgmt
Asset Management
Operation Management
Messaging Collaboration
Mission Critical Solutions
Application Development


All evaluations include:

  • On-site analysis of critical data
  • Provide recommendations on best practices to support company’s objectives
  • Provide evaluation report to customer with findings
  • Initial telephone consultation, followed by on-site visit for evaluation of related areas based on the type of evaluation (see below)


  • Vulnerability to inside/outside intrusions
  • Administration/user access policies
  • Firewall
  • Password policies/encryption
  • Virus tracking

LAN Performance

  • Overall speed of LAN
  • System resources of servers
  • Network administration of servers: procedures, logistics, state of file/print servers, and fault tolerance schema

Information Technology

  • Current LAN environment
  • Health of servers and workstations
  • Business growth model & future LAN requirement
  • Licensing needs
  • User/admin policies
  • Disaster recovery policies/action plans

Technology Refresh

  • Current network topologies
  • Server/workstation resources and capacities
  • Licensing schema
  • Network schema
  • Business growth blueprint

Business Solutions