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"Driven by the rush to e-commerce, security is rapidly becoming a mission-critical component of corporate IT infrastructure." In today's competitive digital economy, the ability to conduct business over wide area and public networks is a critical success factor. It is imperative that the correct information be accessible to appropriate individuals on demand. This open data sharing, so critical to corporate success, is also a threat to that success. Although frequently undervalued, information is one of an organization’s most valuable assets. Internal and external security breaches that allow improper access to data can result in financial losses and tarnished reputations. Without a solid enterprise security strategy, corporations which assume their "e" initiatives are enabling them to remain competitive are, in fact exposing their vulnerabilities.

Intelligent Technology Solutions provides comprehensive security solutions through our lifecycle approach. The core of a successful security program is an inclusive security policy that provides a management framework for information. We have a proactive approach to security with the goal of developing intelligent self-defending networks that eliminate most risks. Our solutions emphasize knowledge transfer and features that allow IT organizations to successfully monitor and manage their security. We provide a range of services and products that work together to recognize threats, implement policies, and enforce security in a consistent, dynamic, real-time manner.

Technical Expertise 

  • Security infrastructure design and implementation 
  • Vulnerability assessment and risk audit 
  • User authentication 
  • Firewall design, implementation, and administration 
  • Intrusion detection 
  • Secure dial-up access 
  • VPN design and implementation (site-to-site, remote user) 
  • Anti-virus 
  • Internet and web access management 
  • Managed security services: post-installation support, remote monitoring 

Security Solutions

  • Security review 
  • Intrusion detection system (IDS) 
  • Virtual private networks (VPN) 
  • Firewalls 

Business Solutions