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Your Data Center is Down - What's Your Plan? 

All types of disasters happen - are you ready? Potential causes of disasters are numerous and include technical systems failures, natural disasters, accidents, crime and terrorism. Any one of these incidents will adversely affect an organization.

Data protection is a critical aspect of disaster recovery. Protecting data is becoming more important to business viability and increasingly difficult. Gartner predicts data to grow at a rate of fifty to eighty percent a year compounded. Exponential data growth, complex storage architectures and centralization initiatives complicate the task of data protection.

Intelligent Technology Solutions' Enterprise Backup Solutions (EBS) Practice Develops Proven Business Solutions for Data Protection.

Intelligent Technology Solutions' consultants focus on business needs to drive technology solutions. Backup and recovery solutions are tailored to the application's criticality to business continuity. Balancing the cost of downtime with the cost of the proposed solution allows Intelligent Technology Solutions to design optimal solutions for each client's business needs.

Intelligent Technology Solutions' consultants have over a decade of experience with enterprise solutions. They seek to optimize the value of IT investments by thinking "out of the box" to solve specific or immediate challenges while laying the groundwork for future growth and flexibility.

When designing backup and recovery solutions, Intelligent Technology Solutions considers several factors:

  • Interoperability - Intelligent Technology Solutions designs solutions to support heterogeneous environments. We focus on open solutions and utilize best-of-breed technology. 
  • Cost of Data Loss Vs Cost of Implementation - There are a variety of solutions to data loss. Intelligent Technology Solutions works with clients to develop the most cost effective solution to meet their needs. 
  • Availability and Scalability - Intelligent Technology Solutions designs solutions to meet current needs while ensuring their scalability to accommodate future needs. This allows investments to be leveraged as an organization's needs evolve. We have extensive experience in designing continuous availability solutions and consider availability requirements in each backup and recovery solution we design. 
  • Management - Management is a core focus area for Intelligent Technology Solutions. In designing backup and recovery solutions, our consultants consider what the client's management needs will be once the solution is implemented and incorporate management tools and processes into the project. Detailed documentation of processes and systems are also provided to empower our clients to manage their environment. 
  • Processes - Intelligent Technology Solutions utilizes its extensive experience and knowledge of best practices to aid our clients in developing best of breed processes for management and daily operations of their backup solutions. 

Will Your Current Backup Solution Protect Your Data? 

You have a responsibility to employees, shareholders and customers to have a backup and recovery plan in place. Don't put it off another day. 

  • Backup windows are shrinking and data is increasing, which making it increasingly difficult and increasingly expensive to manage backup. For every dollar spent on tape or disk storage, it cost $4-$7 more to manage. (Computerworld, May 14, 2001) 
  • As important as backup is to data recovery, between 40-60% of backups do not properly execute (Enterprise Storage Group). This reveals the simple truth in data recovery; if your data is not successfully backed up, it cannot be recovered. 

It is important to have an Enterprise Backup Strategy in place to ensure you have most efficient, cost effective and effective backup in place. Intelligent Technology Solutions can guide you through the process.

Intelligent Technology Solutions' Extensive Experience and Best Practices
Intelligent Technology Solutions utilizes best practices from our extensive experience for planning and implementing backup solutions. 

  • Solutions - Intelligent Technology Solutions identifies the appropriate technology solutions and assesses the environment to identify where current investments can be leveraged.
  • Implement - Intelligent Technology Solutions utilizes proven program management methodologies to ensure successful implementations that meet the business objectives and are completed on-time and on-budget.
  • Validate - Intelligent Technology Solutions aids our clients in developing a plan to periodically test the backup and recovery process and validate that data is being adequately protected.
  • Manage - Intelligent Technology Solutions implements management tools and aids our clients in developing a management plan to ensure adequate data protection as changes are made to applications and systems. Ongoing knowledge transfer occurs throughout the project to equip our client’s IT staff to manage the environment. 
  • Document - Intelligent Technology Solutions provides detailed documentation of systems and processes to allow nearly any of the client’s staff to be able to be execute the data recovery process. According to the Meta Group, this is important because the biggest obstacle to recovery is usually unavailable personnel.


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