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For larger projects involving full systems design, your assigned project manager will leverage expertise throughout our organization to design the best overall networked system architecture for your situation. The design will be done from the top down, and will include the details necessary to ensure interoperability and reliable performance, Availability, flexibility and scalability are also primary design objectives. All proposed solutions will include appropriate product recommendations, for products from all vendors, that applies.

Building on information obtained during our Assessment and Planning Service, and leveraging our experience and knowledge, Intelligent Technology Solutions consultants develop a detailed roadmap for implementation of a cost-effective technical and procedural system infrastructure. The architecture design is created with our unique vendor-neutral perspective. Intelligent Technology Solutions has no preferences to sell which hardware, software, or managed service products — giving you the confidence that our recommendations are truly in your organization's best interest.

Another component of the Intelligent Technology Solutions Architecture Service is an analysis of the impact of new technologies on your environment, including management changes and operational controls required. The service may also include helping you evaluate and select system products that provide the best and most cost-effective solutions to your specific needs.

Creating the Blueprint 
Intelligent Technology Solutions's System Architecture Design service helps ensure your ability to meet business requirements, while taking maximum advantage of the capabilities of existing as well as new components. This service, which typically follows our Assessment and Planning Services, defines the most effective infrastructure. The developed plan is inclusive of all hardware, software, and network aspects. It also includes best practices, as well as a properly aligned operational model.

Intelligent Technology Solutions offers several options within the Architecture Design Service. We can assist you in developing an overall system management strategy for the enterprise, or for a specific technology such as SAN, backup, IP telephony, e-commerce, and others. You can also choose between a functional Architecture and a detailed Architecture, as follows: 

Functional Architecture. If you choose the Functional Architecture option, Intelligent Technology Solutions develops either a single architecture, or multiple architecture options, depending on your needs. Multiple architecture options are sometimes requested for various budget and performance targets. In both cases, you receive either an RFP ready for issue to vendors or a high-level design document — including drawings and suggested configurations — for your organization to use internally. In addition, the Functional Architecture identifies various vendors that, based on Intelligent Technology Solutions's experience, are best able to solve the issues of redundancy, scalability, performance, and compatibility with retained legacy assets that might have been defined in our Gap Analysis service. 

Detailed Architecture. If you require the Detailed Architecture, Intelligent Technology Solutions provides the Functional Architecture as a preliminary deliverable, using it as a basis for the Detailed Architecture — a definition of the specific solution components which must be included in the final operational solution.

Additional steps required to complete the Detailed Architecture include development of a solution prototype and test plan, execution of the test plan, fine-tuning of the prototype, and final acceptance. Project scope is negotiable within this packaged service offering. For instance, you may engage us for comprehensive assistance throughout the final design work, or you may wish to have us assist you only in development of the prototype and test plan, after which you perform the testing and complete the project yourself internally 

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