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PROFESSIONAL                                         SERVICES
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Eliminate concerns about Network and System integration and implementation with Intelligent Technology Solutions professional services. 

If you're like most IT managers, you are concerned that changes to your Network and System infrastructure may adversely affect your existing computing environment. At Intelligent Technology Solutions, we believe that a well-designed implementation plan can dispel those concerns and ensure there are no disruptions to your regular business operations. 

Our professional services team will guide and assist you in implementing a new enterprise application solution, according to the disciplines and principles described in the project plan. This ensures an effective, timely, cost-effective approach to integrating a new application infrastructure into your present environment. 

Every IT manager knows that successful implementation of a new solution requires careful planning and design to ensure both short- and long-term benefits. 

Intelligent Technology Solutions professional Services understand how significant the planning and design process is to any IT implementation. An example of using the storage architecture as a blueprint, Intelligent Technology Solutions Storage Solutions Design Service identifies and develops a detailed plan for an enterprise storage solution that takes into consideration people, products, and processes. 

Through our Storage Management Solutions Design Services, we are able to deliver to customers a storage infrastructure design and implementation plan that will reduce their overall cost of ownership and ensure an effective enterprise storage infrastructure solution. 

You know you have to find a way to maximize your storage environment. You also know you can't tackle this problem alone. 

We deliver a set of scalable solutions based on Storage technology that meet a variety of companies' needs--from large global organizations to small businesses. Work with Intelligent Technology Solutions professional Services to plan a solution that transforms storage into a flexible, enterprise-wide resource that will support your business into the future.

We offer: 

  • A comprehensive services portfolio that includes IT consulting, systems integration, installation and startup services, migration support, maintenance, outsourcing, and recovery services. 
  • A single point of accountability to help you reduce the complexity of your computing environment, manages your systems, and protects your IT investments. 
  • An approach that takes into accounts your organization's entire IT environment. 
  • Support for the most complex, distributed heterogeneous storage area networks (SANs), network attach storage (NAS), and storage products across multiple operating systems and platforms. 

Intelligent Technology Solutions professional services can deliver a full set of lifecycle services that help you plan, design, implement, integrate, support, and manage your storage, network and client infrastructure as part of your overall computing environment. Find out how we can help you reduce your risks, optimize your IT infrastructure investments, and maintain a competitive edge.

You've made the decision to migrate to an enterprise storage infrastructure, yet you still have questions about the best way to proceed. Intelligent Technology Solutions professional services Storage Solutions Architecture can supply the answers you need to successfully complete your migration. Information collected from the Storage Solutions Assessment Service is directly applied during the professional services Storage Solutions Architecture. This service delivers a clear roadmap for implementing a storage solution that is an integral part of your overall IT infrastructure. It is also a powerful indicator of how to ensure the service availability of your storage environment matches the demands and priorities of your business.

Our professional’s services will offer:

  • Evaluate the key requirements of the storage environment in the context of your overall IT infrastructure. 
  • Define storage architecture for the chosen business domains, outlining the business benefits. 
  • Produce a Storage Architecture Report that outlines the principles, standards, and technologies that will underpin the design faze in the context of the overall IT infrastructure and business information requirements. 

We will help you:

  • Analyze your storage requirements, linking storage technology, manageability, processes, and roles to your business and technical objectives. 
  • Size and design a storage infrastructure and topology that best fits your organizational and business requirements. 
  • Integrate storage tools, processes, and people to ensure that a cohesive storage management entity is designed. 
  • Plan the steps necessary to implement the storage solution. 
  • Recognize the planning, configuration, and implementation issues regarding storage infrastructure. 

To every project, regardless of the scope or size, Intelligent Technology Solutions consultants bring years of storage management experience, sophisticated analytical tools, and a structured approach.

Intelligent Technology Solutions's senior storage management consultants bring with them years of industry knowledge and technical expertise. Even more important than the knowledge attained from their storage-only focus as Intelligent Technology Solutions consultants, is the knowledge gained from their experience in data center management positions. Our consultants have walked in your shoes. They bring with them the ability to balance storage best practices and "ideal solutions" and the realities of running a data center with uninterrupted operations.

As part of each engagement, Intelligent Technology Solutions consultants utilize tools and technology that can enhance success. For example, as part of our overall service delivery method, consultants utilize the Intelligent Technology Solutions Planning Assistant. This software formalizes the data collection process and ensures complete and accurate data collection. Output from the tool can be delivered in various formats based on specific client environment. 

The Planning Assistant repository facilitates the collection of many types of data:

  • Applications 
  • Processing requirements 
  • Computing and IT assets 
  • Business requirements 
  • Current and projected data volumes 
  • Backup and recovery windows 
  • Business continuity requirements 

Most Intelligent Technology Solutions engagements require collection, analysis and evaluation of considerable amounts of data. And, as with any task, having the right tools can directly impact the success and productivity experienced. Intelligent Technology Solutions's Planning Assistant software helps consultants collect and analyze information about a client's current storage and computing environment, and formulate recommendations to help clients meet future performance expectations.

Using both automated resources and one-on-one client interviews, Intelligent Technology Solutions consultants first collect the required input data, then import this information into the Planning Assistant Tool, where it can be formally analyzed and evaluated. The tool's flexibility and step-down architecture allows consultants to selectively "drill down" into increasing levels of detail and build upon the results from previous work we might have done for your organization. Typical reports include:

  • Asset Inventory by Location 
  • Asset Requirements by Application or Location 
  • Service Level Agreement Requirements 
  • Storage Usage and Growth Projections 

Professional Services