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National Coverage
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In the effort to support our national customers, Intelligent Technology Solutions is partnering with it's alliance, the NSN, to have broad coverage of implementation, support delivery solution consulting and project management.  

National Service Provider Network (NSN)

All members of National Service Provider Network must maintain stringent qualifications and standards of excellence to remain a member of the network. They must agree to the following terms:

  • To perform all service requests dispatched by the Help Central.

  • To maintain manufacturer authorizations for equipment being serviced.

  • To comply with the Intelligent Technology Solutions call management processes.

  • To comply standard Intelligent Technology Solutions service pricing.

  • To participate in quantitative and qualitative service reviews.

coverage.gif (32039 bytes)Right is a map of the Intelligent Technology Solutions National Service Provider locations.

Centralized Call Management System
NSN Help Central serves as a centralized call management center. Utilizing Field Force, a state-of-the-art service management system, all service requirements are tracked to ensure the best possible service. In conjunction with this system, Intelligent Technology Solutions utilizes on line dispatching capability to submit the information directly to service technicians, enhancing response times.

Field Force allows us to tie all client site locations together for call management and reporting purposes. It also enables us to create site or client messages that appear on screen or can be printed remotely as additional assurance that unique client requirements are being properly addressed. Field Force also has the ability to provide flexible management reports documenting service activity for a client.

Help Central Staff
Help Central is staffed with highly competent Service Administration Representatives who accept inbound calls, verify and validate client information and enter service requests into the system. These individuals also maintain and update the service request as required and respond to automatic escalations to ensure timely completion of each service request.

Clients may enhance standard service by electing one of the following options:

  • Monitored Calls
    All service calls will be monitored by a designated National Service Account (NSA) representative to ensure timely completion. On a daily basis the NSA representative will review the calls to ensure that they are progressing in accordance with the procedures outlined in our service offering. The NSA representative will escalate calls that are not meeting Intelligent Technology Solutions's service requirements.

  • Managed Calls
    This is the highest level of support available from Help Central. A designated National Service Account (NSA) representative will monitor and escalate each call on an individual basis to ensure that it is performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in our service offering. This service includes the deployment of hot spares and loaner units, where applicable. The NSA representative also typically works closely with the client Help Desk by keeping them abreast of call status.

Help Central Hours Of Operation
Help Central operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with remedial repairs performed between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Intelligent Technology Solutions holidays. Intelligent Technology Solutions holidays include: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day following, and Christmas Day and the day following.

On these days, however, Intelligent Technology Solutions will staff a skeleton crew if demand warrants. In addition, Help Central supervisors and managers carry pagers should an emergency arise.

Help Central Performance Standards
Help Central has established performance standards for each level of service interaction. For Service Administration Representatives and National Service Coordinators, some of these include:

  • Answering every client call within 60 seconds.

  • Measuring call productivity to insure maximum efficiency of the client's time.

  • Comparing response time performance to commitment time achievement.

  • Comparing repair time performance to commitment time achievement. 

  • Tracking service call aging.

In addition, specific call escalation procedures have been established for each step in the process, including commit, arrive and complete escalations, During each step of the escalation process, actions are carefully documented and entered into the system for future reporting purposes. This allows corporate personnel, field personnel and the client to see the complete chronology of events that have occurred on each and every service request.

National Coverage