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Intelligent Technology Solutions gives our clients peace of mind and the luxury of world-class management services through our Support Services Site and Desk Side Support services.

With technology landscape constantly changing, it can be a challenge for IT management to keep pace with the many new upgrades, updates, and products that arrive daily. Where do your employees seek help? How do you maintain productivity in the face of change? You need a partner with manufacturing authorization and in-depth technical expertise. Businesses today need a partner who works with clients, a company that considers the clients' changing needs. 

At Intelligent Technology Solutions, we take the time to understand your business problems and craft an outsourcing solution that addresses your needs. Intelligent Technology Solutions Support Services house management services at either our state-of-the-art Help Desk Center or at our clients' locations.

Services Site 
In today's fast-moving business world, technology problems cannot slow you down. When problems arise, you need advice from experienced professionals to help you sort issues out quickly and efficiently.
The Intelligent Technology Solutions Support Services Site provides employees in your company with 24 x 7 Web-based and telephone support, a single point of contact for resolution, escalation, and notification of computer systems problems. Using leading software tools, Help Desk staff proactively address problems and resolve calls quickly. We leverage our substantial investment in technology, proven processes, and highly skilled staff to fully assume the mission of supporting your end-users.

Intelligent Technology Solutions also provides e-support service application, a Web-based, self-service application that allows our customers to create service requests (open trouble tickets), enter service details, track the progress of open requests, and view their service history and the field engineer's notes.

Desk Side 
IT support departments are continuously faced with reacting quickly to unplanned service events to provide end-users with reliable and available IT assets in a timely and cost-effective manner. Can your support organization provide for the demands of an increasingly complex and ever-changing technology environment while minimizing cost and disruption to your business? 

The Intelligent Technology Solutions Desk Side Support services can answer all of the unscheduled service events generated by an ever-changing, complex technology environment. Managed from a Intelligent Technology Solutions office in your local area, our Desk Side Support services seamlessly integrate IT maintenance technicians and consultants into your office environments to support your desktop, network, and Data Center equipment for network monitoring, optimizations, tuning, upgrades, install, and Move/Add/Change services.

Our Desk Side Support services keep your staff productive and your IT assets available by providing fast, efficient field service whenever you need it. Coupled with our Support Services Site, Intelligent Technology Solutions Desk Side Support services provide cost-effective, proactive support to maintain the high levels of availability and reliability that your company depends on.





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