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 Security Services


With Intelligent Technology Solutions Security services offering will help you quickly to find and fix security holes that endanger your business infrastructure. 

Using comprehensive automated security risk detection and analysis solutions from Internet Security Systems, Inc., Intelligent Technology Solutions security experts assess your basic Internet configuration, including communication services, operating systems, key applications and routers. You get a detailed report identifying vulnerabilities, prioritizing security risks, and recommending a plan of action. Internet Security Health check supports a variety of Microsoft Windows NT, windows 2000 and UNIX-based configurations, including: 

  • Internet-connected hosts functioning as Internet servers (Web, FTP and mail servers) 
  • Firewalls controlling TCP/IP traffic between the Internet and your intranet 
  • Firewalls used to segregate TCP/IP traffic across intranets 
  • Proxy servers 
  • Intranet-connected nodes 

Intelligent Technology Solutions uses a multi-layered approach to security that involves:

  • Network security 
  • Physical security 
  • Multiple firewalls 
  • Intrusion detection 
  • Virus protection 
  • Operating system authentication that requires logon, user name, and password 
  • Application-level security 
  • Data-level security within a database for different files and data stores 

These different layers act cohesively together to create a secure environment for each customer. Intelligent Technology Solutions can provide each customer with a secure, private environment, maintaining the highest levels of security, performance, and privacy for both data and systems.





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