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Through solutions provided by Intelligent Technology Solutions' Asset Management Services, you can identify, manage and track your information technology assets through their entire life cycle.

Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall
Today's client-server computing puts powerful tools in the hands of ordinary people. But as the number of devices and software elements escalate, so do problems. You have to find ways to bring order to the chaos, and apply business-driven thinking to your enterprise networks. But before anything positive can happen, you first have to know what you have. Because unless you know exactly where you are today, how can you effectively plan changes or know where improvements must be made? You need a clear it snapshot" of hardware and software inventory, machine and memory distributions, which operating systems are in use, network interface cards and disk space distribution.

But this is easier said than done
The Gartner Group tells us that is you try to assemble this inventory using your Own staff, it'll cost you twice as much as out-tasking, and probably drive your people nuts in the process. This is why we've created and perfected Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall.

Tangible results instead of opinions
Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall is not an endless process in which we bring in high-priced consultants to manually inventory your network, then issue a printout of the raw data where all you get is reams of paper.

Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall delivers a cost-effective method for gathering and analyzing the information you need to begin to manage and plan the growth of your enterprise systems. Using automated technology, your machines are electronically scanned when your users log on to the server. Intelligent Technology Solutions provides a custom, log-in script that asks for each user's name, department, location, phone extension, and other relevant information. There's absolute minimum disruption. We then combine this information with the electronically scanned machine data and store it in a common database. Once the scans are complete, a summary report is produced with a special focus on color charts that easily convey what you currently have in use on your network. You have a clear benchmark from which to make logical and informed planning/budgeting decisions.

Here's how this information benefits you and your company:

  • You save about 50 percent over the "do-it-yourself” approach.
  • Summary Report facilitates logical resource deployment decisions.
  • Software inventory limits license audit liability exposure.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) is justified on budget accuracy improvement alone your CFO will appreciate this.
  • Allows accurate assessment of hardware and software upgrade requirements.

Your options - your choices.
Here are three ways you can take advantage of Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall:

  • A one-time project to create a "snapshot" of all your distributed technology assets - your starting point for planning and budgeting.
  • Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall subscription service, where you purchase automated software that allows us to produce quarterly reports. You can also query the database and watch your own moves, adds and changes if you desire. This allows You to continually monitor your assets so you can keep pace with rapid changes and adjusts your Planning and budgeting accordingly.
  • Intelligent Technology Solutions Asset RollCall is most often used by our clients as the first step of a long-term, Policy Based Management program. Policy Based Management is Systems Management that allows you to manage your enterprise systems according to your per-defined business objectives - "Business-driven technology rather than technology-driven business." It's the strategy that pays off in sound returns on investment for every IT dollar spent - and it's the prudent goal of every contemporary IS executive.

Intelligent Technology Solutions Assets RollCall is Your starting point for taking control of your IT assets. It's the fastest, smartest most cost-efficient route toward intelligent, accountable management of your company's considerable technology investments.

Asset Disposal
Intelligent Technology Solutions can help you replace and dispose of assets at the end of the lifecycle process.




