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Intelligent Technology Solutions offers Technical Integration Services to handle the repetitive tasks of setting up systems and loading software. This allows your staff to spend more time on system development and end-user service.

With centralized configuration, you'll enjoy fast, consistent service from some of the most sophisticated facilities in the nation. Simple hardware set-up, software installation, asset recording or full drop-ship networking solutions are all available. And because centralized configuration is faster and more efficient, you can meet even the tightest implementation schedules.

Intelligent Technology Solutions is one of the first aggregators to offer comprehensive centralized integration services on a national level. We have highly trained technicians, experienced and certified on all major networking software packages, work in fully networked, state-of-the-art “clean rooms," designed to eliminate electrostatic discharge with filtered air and anti-static surfaces. With ergonomically designed workstations for the technicians, its the perfect configuration environment. Plus, our technicians are dedicated to individual accounts. They're expected to learn about your business and the applications you use. Utilizing a sophisticated quality control system we've recorded a 99-97 percent configuration accuracy rating, Technical Integration services include:

  • Basic operating system set-up
  • Partitioning and formatting for installed fixed disk drives, and default volume Creation
  • Bum-in CPUS, printers and monitors
  • Manufacturer base-level diagnostic testing
  • Hardware and third-party component set-up
  • Component compatibility and connectivity
  • Network driver/controller and internal adapter card installation
  • Software installation - application, custom and proprietary 
  • Custom-built platforms for large system projects
  • Server set-up and NOS loads - Novell Netware, Banyan VINES, LAN Server, LAN Manager,
  • Windows OS, etc.
  • Virus Scanninc,
  • Special packaging
  • Asset management recording and product labeling
  • Serial number verification and documentation
  • Warranty registration

Proprietary Software Loading

Custom assembly
Intelligent Technology Solutions' integration facility in Houston, TX., functions within the 'open bay' environment. To this location, manufacturers ship units without drives, memory, operating systems, and in some cases processors. Intelligent Technology Solutions takes these components and assembles the parts, building systems for clients individual specifications. There are many benefits to this process ... it allows more precision in providing customized solutions - products that fit a client's specific needs to a "T". Most importantly, fill rates are improved - so we can be more responsive to your deadlines. And the open bay process creates reductions in packaging, returns to manufacturers and inbound freight costs and it can significantly improve configuration productivity - cost savings that can be passed along to you.




