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Companies must move at Internet speed. To keep our clients' e-business initiatives moving, Intelligent Interface approaches development with an emphasis on rapid deployment. Combining software with rapid application development methodology, Intelligent Interface provides highly tailored solutions that can be rapidly deployed and integrated. Our customers may use other information systems to conduct business. What kind of applications are in a customer’s ecosystem -- ERP apps like SAP, Oracle, People Soft, JD Edward, Great Plains etc, custom mainframe applications, supply chain software such as i2, e-Commerce systems such as Broad vision?

Application connectivity provides best service
To deliver exceptional customer service, customers should connect all these applications with their e-Business software. Take order management. After an order’s captured from a customer facing organization, it must travel throughout the company to be fulfilled, billed and so on. And that customer’s satisfied only when the order’s received and correct billing’s applied. Achieving superb customer service requires connection of all the information systems involved with serving customers.

Scale and manage the solution
Intelligent Interface will provide the tools and methodologies that scale and manage the platform-independent middleware solution for complex, large-scale, distributed computing in heterogeneous environments. Translating data and commands from the format of one application into the format of another. It is essentially data and command conversion on an on-going basis between two or more incompatible systems. Implementing application integration has traditionally been done by tedious programming, or occasionally one package might support the interfaces of one or two other packages. However, the trend today is to use message brokers, applications servers and other specialized integration products that provide a common connecting point. Since the advent of the Web, these prepackaged "middleware" solutions have become widely used to Web enable the enterprise. messaging middleware, middleware, application server, integration server and application adapter.

Business Solutions