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Solutions for vertical markets

Financial Services

Financial services organizations gain the ability to:

  • Increase operational efficiencies
  • Enhance and expand product offerings
  • Improve service levels
  • Lower unit costs
  • Improve customer and member relationships
  • Increase productivity
  • Ensure regulatory compliance (i.e. Sarbanes-Oxley)


Government entities can:

  • Instantly provide documents to multiple users via a central repository
  • Demonstrate accountability and transparency
  • Significantly increase constituent service by improving access to documents
  • Meet the latest regulations and reporting standards
  • Mitigate the impact of turnover and election staff changes
  • Connect silos of data within and between agencies


Educational institutions benefit from:

  • Secure, centralized repository for  teacher and student records
  • Management of HR records and hiring processes, including certification and record retention
  • Automated processes and immediate access to purchase orders and invoices
  • Storage of forms and state- and federally-mandated reports
  • Compliance with Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and other regulations


Healthcare facilities can:

  • Provide quick and easy access to patient records
  • Reduce data entry by transferring all paper forms to electronic-based forms
  • Automate filing methods without changing overall business process
  • Use electronic signatures or PIN codes to speed up the approval process
  • Back up files to protect records against catastrophic events


Insurance providers can:

  • Manage policy holder data electronically and ensure regulatory compliance
  • Find client records in seconds
  • Ensure security by guarding access to private files
  • Track where files are, when they were accessed, and by whom
  • Send service flashes, news updates, and policy changes electronically via fax or email
  • Easily back up files to protect records against catastrophic events


Transportation companies can:

  • Eliminate billing disputes and reduce payment delays by automatically submitting support documents with an invoice
  • Reduce time spent looking for misplaced files, bills of lading, PODs, and other critical documents
  • Provide driver qualification requirements  by filing all documents (safety records, drug screening, CDL eligibility, and insurance) in a secure repository
  • Automatically route forms and associated documents throughout the entire dispute process
  • Immediate customer service by retrieving relevant documents and printing / e-mailing them to customer.


Construction companies can:

  • Reduce liability by sharing appropriate installation procedures and change orders
  • Ensure timely payments to sub-contractors and suppliers
  • Validate vendor contracts and proof of insurance
  • Protect business-critical documents
  • Avoid costly delays due to miscommunication or missing documentation


The energy industry can:

  • Eliminate costly delays
  • Reduce compliance burdens
  • Provide access to project-critical documents directly from GIS maps
  • Eliminate costly project delays and risk
  • Replace paper-based workflow with automated document management solutions


Manufacturing concerns can:

  • Speed up customer service by eliminating time spent retrieving documents
  • Automate complex approval processes  and comply with corporate policies in a timely manner
  • Integrate with CAD applications, enabling non-CAD users to view and annotate CAD drawings for review, approval, or research
  • Track quality management requirements like ISO 9000, QS 9000, ISO/TS 16949, and Sarbanes-Oxley
  • Document and track employee verifications and procedures
  • Support compliance and safety initiatives